June 29, 2013

a proverbs tattoo...

this just blows my mind. on so many different levels. i was so honored when kelsey asked me to write out this verse in simple cursive to be tattooed on her ribs - a reminder of her worth and beauty every time she looked in the mirror.

i'm amazed and inspired by this lovely girl and her earnest desire for God. thanks kelsey for such a wonderful honor!! i love it!!


June 28, 2013

bearing fruit

awhile ago, i heard someone say "you don't see an apple tree toiling away to produce apples, do you? the same is true for our spiritual fruit... it'll come naturally." i totally get what they're saying, fruit is a by-product of us growing closer to Jesus, it's the Spirit working in us that produces fruit, but i think we so often resort to thinking we don't need to DO anything to bear fruit - that all we need to do is sit back and wait for the fruit to come in due season. while i do believe this is true to some extent... i think there's much we can do to grow.

Christ's love and Him working in us is the greatest paradox - it has nothing and everything to do with us. He died for us, to have a relationship with you + me, He made His love and salvation available, ready to access at any time.... but we have to decide what to do with that - am i allowing the Spirit to work in me daily? am i making room for Him in my thought life and in my heart? am i inviting Him to transform those thoughts and motives that no one else sees? because, if i'm not, then i have it all wrong. God looks at the heart.

have you ever noticed how weeds find the teeniest crack in the sidewalk and just spring up like it's no big deal?! they somehow find a way around + through the cement, growing where they're not wanted. it's nearly impossible to keep them out! my thoughts are the same way... i can think that i've patched up every hole, safeguarding against unwanted, sinful thoughts but they always find a sneaky way in, and they usually won't take a simple "no" to leave, they need to be battled out, pulled up from the roots, against their will.

in order for fruit to grow, i need to be actively pulling weeds and clearing the area to allow the Spirit to flourish in my soul. it's the stuff that no one sees. it's the prep work for good, healthy, organic fruit.

my thumb is the furthest thing from being green, but guess what? God specializes in sowing and reaping and knows exactly what i need when i need it. *sigh*

letting go, letting God work is so freeing.

happy friday friends! xo.

June 27, 2013

sneak peek: montana inspired shoot!!

oh, i cannot wait to share all the beautiful photos from this shoot... i'm bursting at the seams!! so until then, i thought i would share a little sneak peek of what's to come!

stay tuned....

June 6, 2013

new peachy postcards in the shop!

just in time for summer! let someone know you're thinking of them with a simply sweet postcard. :)


June 5, 2013

father's day cards in the shop!!

perfect for your handy dad. :)
purchase them here!


June 3, 2013

june desktop!

there's nothing that quite captures the essence of summer than eating gooey s'mores with a few of your closest friends around a roaring bonfire, so that's just what we did! kelli and i built a fire, newspaper and all, and laughed at how non-girlscouty we were.... thank goodness her husband reed was there to give us a few pointers!

we've been inspired by a recent series at our church, called breaking camp.... a series that took an in depth look at the brevity of life, what's to come for our immortal souls, and how to live our short lives with that eternal perspective. we're all destined for eternity, and it's not what we did for ourselves that's going to matter when we come face to face with our Maker... no, it'll be what we did with Jesus, and what we did in His name that's going to matter.

am i investing more in others than i am myself? most of time, probably not.

but i'm thankful that God gives us new mercies every morning, a clean slate to pour into Him, into others, and allow eternity to impact our daily lives. it's as easy as putting down our phones and being present for our husbands/kids/friends, or going a little out of our way for someone else, or stepping out of our comfort zone and encouraging a stranger....

this quote has resonated in my heart ever since we picked it out... it's sobering + powerful and the perfect reminder i need on a daily/hourly/minute-by-minute basis... and i hope it's something that came at the perfect time for you too. :)

happy june friends! xo!