August 29, 2014
kelli "&" vanessa
when kelli & vanessa rebranded a few months back [you can see their previous brand here], they asked if i would paint a little "&" between their names... such a fun little collaboration, and so fun to see it not only on their site, but on their shirts as well! [photo below taken by kelli]
those girls are doing great things, be sure to check out their blog if you haven't already!
August 11, 2014
new prints in the shop!
finally updated and filled the shop with new prints! yay! with my health back in tip top shape, i'm so excited to be focusing on paper goods again... so please keep checking back for new products! or you can follow me on instagram [@thornandsparrow], where i'll be posting photos of all the latest illustrations!
thanks so much for all your support, i so appreciate you guys! :)
August 5, 2014
august desktop + wallpaper // listen + go
"But safety is only an illusion, and letting it go is part of listening to the silence, and to the Spirit."
- madeleine l'engle, walking on water
isn't that such a profound truth? safety is an illusion... because as much as we try to preserve ourselves from harm/failure/disaster, we inevitably encounter it. too often we weigh our options on the scale of security - as if the "better" choice will look safe, financially stable, socially acceptable, and easily mapped out with a 5 year plan.
we have to let our finite idea of safety go if we truly want to listen to the Spirit and embark on the adventure He's called us to - whether that be moving to a completely different country or culture, or starting that novel you've always wanted to write. don't push away that voice that's telling you to step out of your comfort zone... don't let the questions of 'what-ifs' and 'does it make sense' stop you from following your dreams...
because most of the time, God will call us to do something that doesn't make sense and we have no idea what will happen, but if we believe that God has the power to make the sun stand still, to part the red sea, to shut the mouths of lions, and to multiply one kid's lunch to feed multitudes, then we believe He can do anything and He's worthy of our trust and obedience even if we don't understand.
this line always comes to mind when talking about His wild [perhaps considered 'unsafe'] plan for our lives.....
"Safe?" said Mr. Beaver, "Who said anything about being safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you."
- c.s. lewis, the lion the witch and the wardrobe
praying this would be an empowering reminder that the King is calling you and paving the way for you, so take a step... and go!
for this month's collab, kelli + i [+ ezra!] ventured up to glacier national park, because i don't think anything evokes journey and adventure and "go" quite like that place! it's dreamy and inspiring... and really those words don't do it justice! hope you enjoy this snapshot of our inspiring location on all your tech!
love you all!
August 1, 2014
guest blog // let it go
just wrote my first guest blog post over on!! yay! i'm super excited to be able to share what i've been learning, and what God's been showing me.... i'm sharing thoughts on letting go, being broken, and the beautiful truth that out of our brokenness, the best will emerge.
so, take a minute if you'd like, + head over to crystal's blog for the full post! i hope it encourages you!