October 10, 2013

featured on kelli + vanessa!

i can't say enough about these two amazing creative ladies, who have inspired and challenged me in life and art. they're passionate, sincere, and so giving.

last year, i had the loveliest opportunity to collaborate with kelli + vanessa on their logo and blog elements... and ever since then, i've loved collaborating with both of them on different projects, and i'm was so honored to be featured on their blog last week! just chatting about inspiration and daily life, check it out if you'd like! :)


October 5, 2013

on the shore of my defeat

lately, i've been thinking a lot about the concept of being defeated. it's always unwanted, isn't it?
it has the ability to stop us before we even get started. it tells us we can't keep going, we can't keep trying. it keeps us from our potential and what amazing things could be...

defeat isn't something that i welcome with open arms, but the more i read scripture, the more i realize that defeat can sometimes be more beneficial than victory. i know it sounds crazy, right?

when i think about the times i've felt defeated recently, the times that i came to the end of myself, the times i tried everything i could to succeed, were the times i found myself at the feet of my gracious Savior.
asking, wondering, pleading for His help, my defeat brings me to a place of unique humility... where i realize i can't do it alone, i can't do anything without Him.

"when He had stopped speaking, He said to simon, 'launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.'
but simon answered and said to Him, 'Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word i will let down the net.' 
and when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking.
... when simon peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, 'depart from me, for i am a sinful man, O Lord!'
... and Jesus said to simon, 'do not be afraid. from now on you will catch men.'"
[luke 5:4-10]

defeat isn't the end of me, it won't destroy me - it doesn't have that kind of power on its own, it's fueled by the power that i give it - no, defeat is just another opportunity for Jesus to show His power, His grace, His redemption, and maybe even a new direction He wants to take me.

if you're feeling defeated in any area of your life, i just want to encourage you to keep going!! keep trying! keep persevering!

praying that you hear His voice on the shore of your defeat, and experience His power as you launch into the deep, and those nets that were once empty now burst with victory.


October 4, 2013

october desktop + wallpaper!!

fall is officially upon us, and i couldn't be happier to put on my scarves and sweaters, and sip countless chai lattes. i can't help but fall in love with it all over again. i love the imagery evoked from this quote... as autumn brings warmth in its colors, it also brings warmth inside our homes. not just from candles and fireplaces, but from gathering friends and family around a humble table, chatting over imperfect cookies and mismatching coffee cups.

it's not about having a big, beautiful space or the perfect place setting... it's the conversation, the connection, the community that is most vital to our lives, yet so easily neglected. this season, i want to be intentional about investing into those friendships i treasure... that i usually take for granted. it's a challenge that i know will be so rewarding.

for this month's desktop, kelli and i had the lovely opportunity to collaborate with one of my faves, vanessa warren of butterfly sparks, whom i also got to create a logo for! i always love her work and styling, and i know i'm going to have a tough time switching out this desktop next month.

happy fall to each of you... and may this month be a time of gathering in your home. :)

love you!

oh, and i wanted to mention, i got a little techy this month and created an iphone wallpaper for those of us that have updated our iphones to ios7, and of course, still made a wallpaper for those that didn't. hope you enjoy... and feel free to share! :)


any operating system before ios7: